Saturday, May 31, 2014

Fence Restoration & Presure washing

(Tips from Power Equipment Direct) courtesy of
Power Wash Fences  revised by Fast Finish

Wash the Fence
Rotating Scrub BrushApply approved fence detergent from the bottom up to avoid streaks, and allow 5-15 minutes to let it work. Continually add water to any areas that start to dry to prevent the detergent from staining the wood. ( Fast Finish utilizes several different custom mixed detergents for different types of wood) Washing  a fence may not be enough depending on the types of stain used prior. It is not uncommon for a fence to need stripping of old sealers(especially acrylics) before applying new stains and sealers. Failure of stripping will leave undesirable results from applying new modern sealers over old worn stain and sealers.  After stripping of sealers it is important to neutralize the wood. Fast Finish utilizes special neutralizing brighteners to achieve the best results.

Rinse the Wood
Pressure Washing a FenceUse a delicate low pressure spray pattern when rinsing. Wood is very soft, and you don't want to cause any damage to the surface of your fence. It is best to call a professional, however acceptable results can be obtained by the do it yourself types.

 Always, rinse the from the top down, and work with the grain of the wood. Cover 1 to 2 boards at a time, working in identifiable sections. Avoid to much pressure that will cause wood scars and damage that would need sanding or replacement. We are often able to clean and entire structure without the use of damaging pressure with the proper use and techniques of our chemicals.

Sealing your Fence
Staining A FenceAfter washing, let your fence dry for at least 48 hours. Then, seal your fence with paint or a sealer, according to the manufacturer's directions. We utilize the best proven stain/sealers that are available. None of them contain acrylics in the finish. We believe from experience that acrylics over time turn color from the UV and also peel like a sunburn over time. They are also inconsistent and require stripping and sanding to accept new sealers.They have the shortest protection life of all the sealers and do not penetrate the pores to protect the wood like penetrating oils. 

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